A Desi Woman with Soniya Gokhale

A Desi Woman with Soniya Gokhale: A Conversation with Priya Lakhi, Founder of 'Awaken Ananda'--Part 2

Episode Summary

Priya Lakhi is the Founder of Awaken Ananda, and she specializes in supporting women to integrate their intuition with their intelligence. After 18 years as a criminal defense lawyer, Priya went through a period of utter emptiness, disconnection and depression. Though on the outside she seemed to be the embodiment of the proverbial 'American Dream', she no longer felt contented in her life. A trip to India and a visit with her maternal aunt and other female spiritual teachers were the catalysts for a complete shift in her life. Working deeply on her unconscious patterns, she awakened to her ultimate purpose and her life completely transformed. It is now Priya's mission to help others transcend to their own rebirth process. Priya is passionate about guiding others to harness the power within to create potent and powerful lives. Priya is a master results coach, a board certified trainer in hypnotherapy and neuro linguistic programming. And she has spent years studying ancient spiritual wisdom in the quantum field. With the clarity of a lawyer and the compassion of a healer, Priya is a living bridge between science and spirit and she's on a mission to empower women with fierce grace to actualize their highest potential. Priya has worked with thousands of clients and is deeply committed to serving humanity and helping the awakening of consciousness.

Episode Notes



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Episode Transcription

Soniya Gokhale, Host (00:05):

Welcome back to another episode of A Desi Woman podcast. I am your host Soniya Gokhale, and the voices I am seeking may have never been heard before, but their stories deserve to be told. What is a daisy woman? She is a dynamic, fearless, and strong woman. She is your mother, your grandmother, your daughter, your sister. She is every one of us who is on an endless pursuit of self-empowerment and fulfillment. I am Soniya Gokhale, and I am a Desi woman.


Soniya Gokhale, Host (00:40):

Hello, and welcome to another edition of A Desi Woman podcast. I am your host Soniya Gokhale. And today, we are so excited to be joined by Priya Lakhi. Priya is the founder of Awaken Ananda. And she specializes in supporting women to integrate their intuition with their intelligence. After 18 years as a criminal defense lawyer, Priya went through an utter emptiness, disconnection, and depression. As she boldly experienced this quote "dark night of the soul" end quote, working deeply on her unconscious patterns, she awakened to her ultimate purpose. And her life completely transformed.


Soniya Gokhale, Host (01:30):

It is now Priya's mission to help others transcend through their own rebirth process. Priya is passionate about guiding others to harness the power within, to create potent and powerful lives. Priya is a master results coach, a board certified trainer in hypnotherapy and neuro-linguistic programming. And she has spent years studying ancient spiritual wisdom in the quantum field. With the clarity of a lawyer and the compassion of a healer, Priya is a living bridge between science and spirit. And she's on a mission to empower women with fierce grace to actualize their highest potential. Priya has worked with thousands of clients and is deeply committed to serving humanity and helping the awakening of consciousness. Priya, welcome to the show.


Guest, Priya Lakhi (02:29):

Thank you so much for having me.


Soniya Gokhale, Host (02:30):

This is part two of our deeply intense and intimate conversation with Priya Lakhi. Priya, during the first part of this podcast, you offered a candid, personal, and poignant narrative about how you went from a veteran and highly successful criminal defense attorney, who even worked with death row inmates, to suddenly finding yourself at a painful crossroads in life. Whereby, you felt utter emptiness and even depression. This led you on an intense spiritual journey to mother India, whereby you connected with family members and other spiritual teachers, and your life and purpose were forever transformed.


Soniya Gokhale, Host (03:19):

Now, for listeners who may be tuning in to this part two episode, without having had the benefit of listening to part one, I strongly encourage you to partake in part one. Because, it is a no-holds-barred and raw discussion about how Priya has now turned her life towards serving humanity, and helping women to awaken to their own consciousness. And your website and practice is entitled Awaken Ananda, and you now offer a variety of techniques and methodologies all remotely, I might add, to walk with women from all over the world. And I wanna understand how you have made that progression and journey from being a student who completely surrendered to a deep spiritual awakening and experience, to now being a teacher in some respects who guides and helps others experiencing challenges in their lives.


Soniya Gokhale, Host (04:22):

What motivated you to share this gift and knowledge with others after coming out of darkness and despair? And I would offer that, I think this offering on your part is so incredibly timely as, as this podcast. Because, I think as we were chatting before we began recording, we are at a very, very grave crossroad in the world. And due to the global pandemic and a host of other reasons, there's a huge feeling of anxiety and worry, and even despair that many women around the world are experiencing.


Priya Lakhi (05:02):

I had no intention of doing that when I went to India. I went to India for my own journey of healing and self-empowerment. However (laughs), when, when I got to India, my, my aunt's teacher, when I first met with her, she said, and she's very, very intuitive and psychic herself. And, and, and actually, she herself has a very similar story, used to be a journalist for CNN and is now a healer and a teacher to her own life experiences.


Priya Lakhi (05:38):

She looked at me and she said, "I know you've come for your own healing, but you're also a healer. And you'll understand what that means in a few months." And I said, "Okay. Okay, whatever. Whatever." I couldn't really think about that. But when I kept going through India and meeting with these wise men and women, and sitting in temples and, and, and, uh, doing my own journey, I had a pretty massive awakening in me. And I saw lifetimes where I had done this before.


Priya Lakhi (06:13):

And then I was taught through my own intuition that my job as a lawyer was also to be a healer. And that none of that was not related to what I was about to do, because my job as a lawyer was to stand next to clients, humans, and give them hope, and make them believe in themselves, and let them know they're not alone. And let them share their stories, and that they're valued and loved. And that they have something to offer the world. And that their voice and their heart is important.


Priya Lakhi (06:48):

And honestly, it's what I do now with my s-, clients. Except, my current clients have created their own prison around them versus my former criminal defense clients, which was a forced prison around them. So it's not that far of a leap in what I was doing, honestly. It's, uh, my clients (laughs) back then and my clients and students today want the exact same thing. They wanna understand life and they wanna understand love, and they wanna be completely supported in community.


Priya Lakhi (07:25):

And so, as I got deeper and deeper into my journey, I started getting visions and dreams, and moments of awakening that this is the next evolution. That while law is one part of me, now the next evolution of my energies of compassion and giving were to teach other women how to do this. Because, like I said to you, before I came to India, everyone in my life was confused. They couldn't help me understand why I was so unhappy. And I really didn't want another woman to feel so unsupported and asking themselves these questions.


Priya Lakhi (08:08):

And I did not take the decision lightly, right? To stand and hold a sacred container for other people is a big decision. I needed to feel ready to do that. I needed to feel open-hearted enough to do that. I needed to recognize that this is not about my ego, that I am not doing anything. That I've just become a vessel for sacred divine energy to come through me in the hopes that someone else will awaken. That me, Priya, my ego isn't doing anything.


Priya Lakhi (08:46):

So part of the reason my teacher sent me north, south, east, west India, was to break down any belief system I had that I Priya, was going to help anybody. But rather I, Priya was going to commit myself to a level of service that I hadn't before that allowed the energy of divinity to work through me. And I didn't wanna, I didn't know if I could do it. I didn't know if I could do it without ego. I didn't know if I could do it without, with the, with the power and integrity that it needed to be done.


Priya Lakhi (09:20):

But I met teacher after teacher, and I had example after example of people teaching me in India that finally, only at the end of my year in India did I ask for the blessings from both my aunt and my spiritual teacher. And I said, "This is what I'm being called to do. Do you think I'm ready?" And they both looked at me and said, "Yes, this is why you went through the dark night of the soul. So you could be this light in the world. This is why you understand pain and suffering, so you can hold the sacred container for others." And that's how that journey started.


Priya Lakhi (10:01):

And I, within three months of coming back to the United States, I had s-, made the websites, started the business. And I have to tell you, I, I know that I'm on the right path because it's never been a struggle. It's never been a hard transition. I've never looked back once. I don't miss the law. I'm very grateful for the law, but I am so in my purpose in this particular incarnation of my life.


Soniya Gokhale, Host (10:29):

Well, I have no doubt about that. And I think your metaphor is incredibly beautiful. I'm filled with wisdom because, you were on the right path. And you're right, there is actually a parallel to the imprisonment that we see. Especially in the West, one might think, "Oh, material goods, money, a high income, a high net worth would give you freedom." And yet, what we observe in this country, very high suicide rate, hugely discontent, discontented nature with life.


Priya Lakhi (11:01):

Mm-hmm (affirmative).


Soniya Gokhale, Host (11:02):

And so, the prison that you talk about, oh my goodness, it is so real in this country. Perhaps even more so than other countries. And so, it's ironic that you, you put that parallel there. And you are, through the worker doing. I mean, I can already feel it. I'm speaking with you. You really bring people of mental encumbrances, and, and then having them surrender as you did. I also wanna say that sharing your gift is, is really beautiful. The way that you're giving back to the world, though you hadn't intended it.


Soniya Gokhale, Host (11:35):

And I hope for listeners that are tuning in, I will have links to Priya's site. You can reach out to her to schedule a session because, I, I truly believe that the work that you're doing is so incredibly important, more so than ever. And, you know, on your site, you do state that you work with people to provide coaching, energy healing, and a variety of different classes. And I like what you say on your site when you indicate, "I am not afraid of your darkness, I have known my own."


Soniya Gokhale, Host (12:11):

And this is such a beautiful, profound way to communicate your willingness to really work with clients in a nonjudgmental space. Because, we are judged all the time, especially as women. And you combine yoga, ancient healing techniques, shamanism, and other mind-body tools to work towards healing. And I wanted to know if you could tell us more about this work that you do with women around the world, and, and what people could expect if they do reach out to you needing guidance or coaching.


Priya Lakhi (12:45):

Yeah, absolutely. I, thank you for asking the question and thank you so much for the acknowledgement of my work. I receive it and I appreciate it very, very much. We teach what we need to learn, is (laughs) one of the lessons I have learned over the last couple of years of doing this. So I only teach what has worked for me, because that's the, that's the energy from which I, uh, want to help guide and lead clients and students. So it's, what worked for me was both, was a very holistic approach, not just working on the mind, not just working on understanding spiritual laws, not just working on yoga and asana as a meditation. But a mind-body-spirit approach to healing. Because that's what I believe we are as humans that have incarnated through our divinity. We're mind, which is our humanness. We're spirit, which is our divinity. And our body is the vessel that houses all of these energies.


Priya Lakhi (13:52):

So it's a very holistic approach to healing. Most of my one-to-one work starts with deconstructing the mind, which is where we have these belief systems. And limiting beliefs, and stories that we've convinced ourselves are true about us. That I'm not good enough. I'm not thin enough. I'm not loved enough. I'm not deserving enough. I'm not worthy enough. But I combine that with understanding cosmic and spiritual laws. Because otherwise, we can't understand why we are made to have these less-than-ideal stories. Why there is suffering in the world. What the point of our Earth existence is. What is a reincarnation? What is karma? What does it all mean? Right?


Priya Lakhi (14:41):

So I, I, I cannot do any of this work without teaching what I believe are fundamental truths about our existence. So there's a lot of teaching, and then there's a lot of individualized work, is to, "Okay, now that you understand the broader teachings, where are you holding yourself back, and why?" I teach a lot about emotions and why we have emotions, and how there is no such thing as good and bad emotions, or right and wrong decisions. Again, through the lens of spiritual understanding and cosmic laws.


Priya Lakhi (15:15):

And then on top of that, we have to give techniques on, how do you work with the nervous system? Where we hold a lot of our pains, and that's through breath work and yoga. And then I'm also a trained and certified hypnotherapist. Because, the unconscious mind is where we live 95% of our lives. When I was saying before that we live on autopilot, it's because in the unconscious mind, we're literally in Groundhog's Day. We're just living the same stories, the same belief systems, the same pain, unless we're truly willing to consciously look at them.


Priya Lakhi (15:51):

And hypnotherapy is one of the fastest and most effective mind-body tools to change that autopilot story. So a lot of the reason I have clients and students, I think that resonate with me is that it's not just therapy. It's not just yoga. It's not just spiritual teaching. But it's a combination of both, and it's really centered on where you are in your life. So as a former lawyer, I have a lot of credibility with professional women, with highly achieved women. But they come to me in a very left brain, logical space. So I can't start with just cosmic laws with them, right?


Priya Lakhi (16:34):

We have to start with the place where the client or student is. But then through that journey, we learn about liberation. We learn about freedom. We learn about self-love. We learn about self-worth. We learn about self-compassion. And most importantly, we learn that self-love is truly self-discipline. So if you really wanna change your life, then it's going to require a level of commitment and discipline to yourself. And what I find most interesting is, a lot of women have resistance to that. Because we're taught to be over-givers, over-caretakers, always put other people in front of yourself.


Priya Lakhi (17:16):

So sometimes the struggle just begins with, do you understand that your time is worth it to be spent towards you? So that's a lot of how I work. I do certifications in hypnotherapy. I do group classes and teaching. I really wanna spread this message far and wide. And I like to create a community because, as you and I both know, it can be a very isolating journey when you decide that the life that you're living is no longer working for you. You may not feel supported. You may even get resistance from your friends and family. And so, it's very important to me that I create a community.


Priya Lakhi (17:54):

So a lot of my group programs have the same women who come back over and over again, and now they've created friendships. And they do things even outside of my classes. But that's really important to me, 'cause it was so important to my own healing journey, to have my, my aunt and my teacher, and the other students in those classes be a part of my journey. I, you know, we learn from each other. I don't put myself on some sort of pedestal, like, "I'm the teacher. And I'm the only one that has all the answers." I really like when my students share with each other and give each other thoughts on what someone is going through. So I think, I think that answers your question.


Soniya Gokhale, Host (18:29):

Uh, no, you did. And I, and I agree with you on the concept of community and bringing people together. I think it's amazing you do that. I, I have a women's Facebook group that's linked to this for A Desi Woman. And, you know, any female listeners out there, please think about joining or send me a message if you want the link for it. And I, you know, it's a group solely devoted to uplifting messages, quotes, and posts. And I started last March, and it now has over 800 women from around the world. And so, from my perspective, I genuinely believe everything that you're stating. That, and this is kind of an interesting question for you. I believe that we are at such a pivotal time in our world on so many levels.


Soniya Gokhale, Host (19:12):

I was born and raised a Hindu woman, and I am acutely conscious of the fact that according to Vedic scriptures, we find ourselves immersed what is known as the Kali Yuga. And I wanna ask you, is that a, a thing? Are we in the Kali Yuga? Is that always metaphorically a possibility, to exist in that space if we allow our mind and the external world to take over? Or is there actually a preponderance of negativity, death, suffering right now in the world? I wanna get your thoughts on that. I know it's a big question (laughs).


Priya Lakhi (19:51):

Well, there's a, uh, it's a, it's a beautiful question. And it's, uh, an important question. So the, again, this is, these are cosmic and spiritual truths that I, I have to say, I will not be able to give justice in a two-minute answer, but I will do my very, very best. Yes, we are in something called the Kali Yuga, but it's a cycle. It's a cycle of the nature of the world. It's a cycle in the nature of the universe, and it's a cycle within us. And we're shifting into another yoke or another cycle of time called Satya Yuga. And Kali Yuga is the shortest. Whe-, it is the time of suffering. It is the time of darkness. It is the time of humanity to understand through the contrast of pain and suffering that they want something else.


Priya Lakhi (20:41):

The Earth is a school. Earth is literally a PhD school. And one of the cosmic rules that over-light this planet is that we learn best through conflict. Part of being human is to have conflict, and it's through the conflict or the suffering, or the pain, or the contrast that we actually achieve harmony. Because, it's what gets us out of that autopilot. It's what pushes us into an accelerated force of evolution. So within us, we live through various stages of Kali Yuga. And then yes, as a planet, as a species, as a humanity, we are in this phase of cycle, and we're shifting out of it. How fast we shift out of it is a free will choice based on all of us, which is why all of the scriptures talk about oneness. Talk about, there is no other. Talk about the fact that what you do to one, you do to all. Because we have to shift as a collective, not just as individuals.


Priya Lakhi (22:04):

And so, that's part of what this cycle is going through. And we are in the midst of the most darkness. But it is through that, that the brightest light can come. And, you know, I'll be so bold as to say, for me, while there is absolutely a global pandemic happening, it is also in my absolute heart of hearts, that it is one of the ways in which humanity is going to be pushed into being more loving towards each other. Is because we're now recognizing how much we are one connected world.


Priya Lakhi (22:48):

So in a nutshell, yes, we're in the middle of the Kali Yuga. But that is again, a cycle that we'll be shifting out of. And there's four cycles, Kali Yuga, Satya Yuga. I mean, there's just four of them. And each cycle has a different level of humanity and divinity. So maybe this will make it a little easier too to understand. In the Kali Yuga, we live 75% of our lives and our humanity, and only 25% understanding that we are divine beings with a soul and a mission, and a purpose. And that everything is going to be okay. In the Satya Yuga, we live 75% in our divine being and 25% in our humanity. We completely understand all of the laws and natures of the universe. And every day we work towards becoming more and more so aligned. Those are the two big drastic differences of what's gonna happen through the shift.


Soniya Gokhale, Host (23:43):

Wow. That's, that's pretty amazing and profound. Uh, and we see it. I was going to say that the pandemic, I mean, if anyone had any doubt that we're all connected, we can't possibly look past this global pandemic and, and not realize that. And especially, we see it, you know, in the United States, as much as we might think that we are an island unto ourselves, it, it couldn't be further from the truth. So yes, that, that absolutely resonates. And there is so much more we could talk about. I, I truly hope I may be able to have you back again. I've always wanted to have a woman who was knowledgeable, not only about Hindu scripture, but about spirituality. And, and your knowledge is so deep, and you are so humble in offering it.


Soniya Gokhale, Host (24:32):

And, you know, I wanna invite anyone that's listening to please access the podcast notes. Because I will have a link to Priya's site, and she would absolutely welcome any inquiries from women that might be interested in a free session, and to sort of explore some of the topics that we've discussed today. You don't have to feel alone. As, as you can tell from this conversation, so uplifting and enlightening. And you're sharing this with others, which is really the greatest gift of all and my dad. And it really resonates with me. I do work for a Fortune 100 full-time, but I respect the journey you've made. And a lot of us are at that crossroad where we're saying, "What else is there? What can we do? Yeah, I love my job, but there has to be more." And you've really offered us some tools to harness that and, and possibly give back as you're doing. So I, I really can't thank you enough for joining me today, Priya. Any other words that you'd like to offer for our listening audience?


Guest, Priya Lakhi (25:39):

Well, thank you so much for having me. And thank you so much for creating this platform from which I can share and you can share, and your other guests can inspire. Because oftentimes, we just need a little bit of hope. And that is the, the goal of my work, 'cause I want to be an inspiring individual. It's really important for me to set examples of powerful women doing beautiful things in the world. I will say, you know, I think what you just said is absolutely right though. This is not about just switching professions. I, I don't, in fact, 99% of my clients that I work with don't come to me and then all of a sudden switch professions or switch their whole lives.


Guest, Priya Lakhi (26:20):

This is not about that. This journey of spiritual evolution is understanding that the only stable ground to stand on is your own empowerment. Because, if you know that no matter what I will be okay, always, in all ways, then life just becomes incredibly more joyous and beautiful. Because there's a trust and a surrender to the understanding of that. And so, if there's nothing that's taken from this call, I hope that whoever's listening says to themselves, "I want to learn more about who I am and why I am here." Because I can promise you, it will be the greatest exploration of your lifetime, and it will give you such peace and contentment that no matter what is going on around you, you will be stable.


Soniya Gokhale, Host (27:18):

Wow. I love that. I love that so much. Well, thank you so much, Priya Lakhi with Awaken Ananda. And please access the podcast notes, and Priya would eagerly await or welcome any inquiries from women that might be listening.


Priya Lakhi (27:35):

Thank you.


Soniya Gokhale, Host (27:36):

Thank you again, Priya.


Priya Lakhi (27:36):

Thank you for having me. Really, really a pleasure.